Offered throughout the year as 6–8-week programs or individual workshops
Acrylic Painting
Facilitator: Various
Computers: Microsoft Office Programs
Facilitators: Varied
Beginning in the new year, PDSC will be offering an introduction to Computers course, as well as individual workshops on Email, File Management, Internet, Social-Media and more. Watch for more information to come.
Creative Writing
Facilitator: Lee Garrett
Six weekly sessions, exploring the written word to express thoughts, emotions, and ideas through different genres and formats, in a personal and creative way. Offered on Zoom.
Intro to iPads
Facilitators: Keith & Lee Garrett
This 6-week program provides a basic overview of the iPad, including settings, security, internet, iCloud, picture taking, file management, storage, e-mail, facetime, voice-to text, various apps and social media.
Photography: Get Your Camera Off Automatic!
Facilitator: Ed Venzke
A 5-week program exploring the many different settings on your DSLR camera and how and when to use them. It’s not as hard as you think, and the benefits are well worth it!
Photography: Taking Better Pictures and Editing
Facilitator: Elaine Bombay
A 5-week program moves you from “point & shoot” to taking photos using easy elements of composition, lighting, textures, capturing action shots, portraits and more. Learn how to edit your photos, right on your device, with simple, free editing software. Designed for phone and tablet cameras, but anyone can benefit from this class.
Introduction to Quilting
Facilitator Lynn Whitehead
Learn the basics aspects of quilting, while creating several different projects to help you develop your skills as a quilter. We will look at sewing machine basics, quilting tools and notions, fabrics selection, cutting techniques, types and styles of quilts, binding and so much more.
Watercolour Painting
(materials fee)
Facilitator: Lee Garrett
A 6-week introductory course will take participants through successive steps in understanding the materials, painting techniques, skills and basic knowledge of watercolour painting to create a series of beginner level paintings.